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加能史料 戦国Ⅳ (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku IV, Records belonging to Kitano Shrine, Meiō 1, 1492)
加能史料 戦国Ⅳ (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku IV, Records belonging to Kitano Shrine, Meiō 1, 10th month to the 12th month (rear of letter comments), 19th of the 10th month, 21st of the 11th month, 5th, 6th, 7th, 11th of the 12th month, 1492)
二十八日、細川政元、北野社松梅院禅予の請(こうい)により、本願寺実如光兼、に書状を送り、社領加賀国福田荘の門徒が、社家代官の直務に従うことを求める。 「北野社家引付」明応元年自十月至十二月原表紙・十月二十九日条・十一月二十一日条・十ニ月五日条・六日条・七日条・十一日条 (自十月至十二月原表紙) 一、福田請取之在り、十ニ月七日、(中略) (細川政元) 一、京兆本願寺方へ御書之在り、 (実如光兼) (十月) 一、今日京兆御書本願寺江遣わされ、御判出だす也、 (中略) 一、本願寺へ京兆御書文言、 北野社領加州福田庄之事、近年敷地彦右衛門尉に預け置くと雖も、既に死去せしむ上、年々 未濟之條、旁以って直務として社家之代官を差し下る由申す候、御門徒中之儀下知を加え らる、相違無し候えば本望(ほんもう)に候、委細は使者申すべく候、恐々謹言、 本願寺 進覽(しんらん)之候、
一、敷地方より人上がり、誂(あつらえ)之梅染(うめぞめ)五端・栗毛馬(うま)到來也、 (十ニ月) 一、狩野(かの)彦七郎使來間、料足の事申し付ける者也、 (下略) 六日、天氣快晴、(中略) 一、福田年貢今日三十貫文之を渡す、少々給う分之を遣わす、受取既に之を遣わす、 (下略) 七日、天氣快晴、 一、福田庄受取今朝之を遣わす、 當社領に納める加州福田庄神用の事、合せて佰捌拾貫文者(いり)、但し此内悪銭之在れば、追って返すべく者也、 右、年々未進過分爲(たり)と雖も、追って算用遂げるべし、仍って且所納之状の件の如し、 (松梅院) 充て所之無し、子細有る也、此外梅染注文之を下す、 (下略) 十一日、天氣快晴、暁より雨降る、(中略) (波々(はは)伯都盛郷) 一、波兵へ罷り出す、福田庄の事本願寺申されるる儀、具に演説さるる也、祝著満足也、 (下略)(pp.37-39) This document records a request sent to Jitsunyo by Hosokawa Masamoto on behalf of Zenyo of Shōbaiin, asking that the Monto of Fukuda shōen be ordered to pay their tithes, which had been outstanding for two years running. He also requests that the Monto be ordered to obey the Daikan in place on the estate, who had replaced Shikichi Uei`mon following Shikichi`s death. What Masamoto seems to understood is that Enuma gun at the time was under the control of Shōkōji, which was a Ikke temple administered by Rengo. However to elicit a response from Honganji, Masamoto thought it best to address Jitsunyo directly, which at this stage does appear to have resolved any difficulty. |